KDDI First Japan's Telecommunications Carrier to Release TNFD Report Concerning Natural Capital Including Biodiversity
―Using communication and IoT technologies to drive initiatives such as surveying seaweed beds and supporting collection of biological information―
On June 9, 2023, KDDI became Japan's first telecommunication carrier [3] to release the
TNFD Report 2023 (1.2MB) (hereinafter, "this report") to present KDDI's approach on natural capital and biodiversity in accordance with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (hereinafter, "TNFD") [
1]'s information disclosure framework [
In this report, the relationships (the level of dependency and impact) between KDDI businesses and natural capital, including biodiversity, as well as risks and opportunities in resolving various issues in preserving biodiversity are organized to show the direction for the initiatives. We will drive initiatives to play our part in preserving biodiversity, such as surveying seaweed beds and supporting the collection of biological information using our communication and IoT technologies.
<TNFD logo>
TNFD is an international organization that aims to develop a framework for companies to disclose how nature-related risks and opportunities impact their finances. It urges companies and financial institutions to report on natural capital information in support of a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes. TNFD plans to release the final version of the information disclosure framework in September 2023 [4], which is likely to drive companies to disclose natural capital information including that on biodiversity.
Risks surrounding KDDI include land modification from building stations and installing telecommunication cables. To reduce risks, we pay attention to nature when we build communication facilities. Such initiatives include the following.
In terms of opportunities, we have many solutions and technologies that can contribute region co-creation and solutions to environmental issues, such as Starlink, which provides a communications environment in mountainous areas and island regions where it was previously impossible to install communications facilities, and IoT technologies that can be used for data collection and other purposes.
For instance, we have been collaborating with various stakeholders in projects such as surveying of seaweed beds with aquatic drones (in Japanese only) [
development of an automated blue carbon measuring system (in Japanese only) [
conservation of biodiversity in collaboration with Ashiu research forest of Kyoto University (in Japanese only) [
8] and
investment in a biome that provides a platform to visualize biological information (in Japanese only) [
9] actively working to conserve local environments. We will apply our unique strengths and contribute to resolving various issues together with our partners.
To read the TNFD Report in detail, visit: (1.2MB)
In April 2023, KDDI joined 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity [10] and TNFD Forum [
11]. Together with our partners, we will accelerate our initiatives for nature positive outcomes.
■How TNFD was established
Today, moves from the global initiative TNFD are accelerating, which was established following the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), to develop a risk management and disclosure framework for organizations to report on nature-related dependency, impact, risks and opportunities.
TNFD is a global initiative that develops and provides a framework to manage nature-related risks and opportunities and to disclose such information, established in September 2020 by the British NGO Global Canopy, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP,) the United Nations Environment-Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It aims to urge corporations and financial institutions to report on nature-related information so that the action will result in a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes.
■KDDI's initiatives
KDDI has established the KDDI Action Guidelines on the Preservation of Biodiversity to multilaterally assess our contributions to preserving biodiversity. In the guidelines, we define three principles of Preserving Diversity in Business Activities, Collaboration and Cooperation with Related Organizations and Promoting Recycling of Resources, by which we have been promoting activities. We will not only view social issues concerning natural capital and biodiversity as risks but will strive to solve these issues with our strengths including 5G and IoT.
To find out more about KDDI's biodiversity initiatives, visit:
- *The information contained in the articles is current at the time of publication.
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